This "house"...thing...is in Longtan, right on the main highway through town (not downtown). Apparently the following things are true:
1.) It was built by the mayor's brother
2.) The mayor's brother is a bit of a weird guy (really, ya think?)

4.) People still live on the ground floor (it sure seemed that way)
6.) The inside is really quite luxurious, in a "太over啦!", European chintz way

8.) Everyone in Longtan knows it (this has to be true - you can't NOT notice a monstrosity such as this)
10.) It was apparently built with the mayor's brother's own funds, not taxpayer dollars
I don't know how much of the above is true and how much is dodgy info from locals, but there you have it.
The Longtan Weird House.
When I showed Joseph and Brendan while we were in town for Dragon Boat (I knew it because I go to Longtan for work fairly often - I teach a seminar at the Acer facility out there on occasion) I said before we got there "it's a really odd building. It won't change your life or anything, but it's really, really strange."
Brendan: "You lied to me! You said this building wouldn't change my life, but it did! LOOK AT THAT THING. I mean...WTF? Seriously?"
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