Saturday, September 15, 2012

Orchid Island (Lanyu / 蘭嶼): First Photos

I don't have time for a full post on our trip to Lanyu (Orchid Island - 蘭嶼島) right now but I do have about 200 pictures I'd like to share - I won't post all of them here, of course, but I figured I'd do this in two posts: one with some of my favorite pictures, and one with more narrative and some more good pictures, for maybe 40 shots total.

Here is a sample of shots to enjoy while I consider what to write for the narrative post, and also wait for some free time to pop up.

You will note the dearth of photos of people - that's because on Lanyu, many locals are wary of having their photo taken, or (so I'ved read) downright hostile towards those who try. As such, we didn't really try. I got a few shots, but not nearly as many people photos as I'd normally take.

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