Sunday, February 16, 2020


I don't often blog in Chinese, and I am sure there are many mistakes. What can I say, I'm a second language learner.

But, I want to address a primarily Taiwanese audience so I'm going to go for it. Enjoy my terrible Mandarin!

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就是因為我是個住在台灣的外國人。我沒有台灣國籍,所以我聽台灣人說,「台灣人第一」或者「所以我們不需要在乎和幫忙那些孩子就是因為他們不是台灣人」 我問自己~~~







Steve Weng said...




Jenna Lynn Cody said...


dk said...

Left-leaning liberal在美台人十分能了解支持台灣政府及民众的立場,雖覺得政府講話不夠委婉太直接是失策,而且自己身為一個母親確也有一点無奈之下的同情。但是這二天的發展反倒令我十分厌恶那些抗爭的在台家屬及所謂的抗爭领導,而完全失去最後的一点同情了。尤其二件事,他們叫囂防疫是政府的事与他們無關,昨天还有人威脅要化整為零入境。如果只是氣話,那真是除了自利自利外还加個蠢;如果真动此念,那讓人懷疑他們的动机及實際需要。


Jenna Lynn Cody said...

I discussed the Chinese interference issue in the previous post. I know it's a problem, obviously that limits Taiwan's options practically.

But still, I hear people saying things like "we shouldn't help them at all because they are Chinese". If the issue were just the practical issues, we'd be thinking "these kids have a connection to Taiwan whether their paperwork reflects that or not, let's help those in need who would be on the list first, regardless of their passport" while also acknowledging there are limits to what can be done because of the China issue and our own health care capacity.

But the analogy is correct. I have heard comments saying that the kids don't deserve help because the parents are terrible, "homewreckers", "illegitimate", "mistresses", "traitors" (at least there's a ring of truth to that last one). At that point, people ARE judging the parents when deciding what to do with the kids.

And those comments are not that different from Trump saying "they're sending murderers, drug dealers, rapists" about Latin Americans. I get that there are differences - bullying by China, power relations. China insisting Taiwaneseness does not exist (of course it does).

But please understand how such comments would bother and upset a foreign resident here, when the tone changes from "pro-Taiwan" sentiment, to "nationalistic" sentiment.

Tony Yen said...

Taiwanese nationalists rose during the election campaigns in most of 2019. Their rejection of refugee law revision regarding HK protestors, and bashing environment NGOs for distracting the focus from the China issue revealed what type of Taiwanese nation they were trying to build. And now this. If the trend continues we will probably get a fascist state in the coming decade, either built by the Chinese or our own people.

Jenna Lynn Cody said...

I wouldn't go so far as to say "a fascist state" but I admit I don't like the turn of nationalism (as opposed to being 'pro-Taiwan' which I support) that this whole issue has brought out.

Steve Weng said...

the door had been closed by China not by Taiwan,

at the moment they forced Chow Tzu-yu, the girl from Taiwan who became a member of K-Pop group Twice, to make apologize for her waving a flag presented Taiwan on a Korea local TV Show.

They made everyone to make a stand, to chose which side you need to stand for. No matter who you are.

We are not the one who lied the whole world that's not no a new outbreak caused by a new virus. We never make any trouble or even ask any trouble.

Kids can stay with parents in China, too. But they said it's only family union when they can get together in Taiwan.

Well, haven't you guy lived in China in recent couple years? How come you never feel not a family union in that way?

We never break any family. Never.